Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Jazz, Swing Mama 1

I like a smooth jazz groove over taters and grave (y)
Smooth like a plum skin and berthed in the Navy,
Suddenly Sass-a-lickin' groveling bloat
Sense of late Jemimah rockin' what she... done... wrote...

They call 'em hill Billies - rocks and stocks,
Painted funk-in flowers of the boom-school boom
Who asked for the tartlets of Rhondhale High?
In the Royal Marines they groove a 'ticular style.

And speaking of par-tic-u-lar methods of frump,
I could swear I heard the whispers of a tattle-tale rump
Never bustin' out of the moon,
She's a wash (a wash, awash in booble bloom.)


Uhm Socks-a-ling-o
Baby. Divine.
The purse-cracked crackle-dracked seed-podded Frau
Needs a bit of chow........................
Feed the pupil, feed the lamb.
Sashka nashka tooga rottle beebop damn.
Jemimah's in the whole white pan,
There's nothing else to compare and nothing else in the pan.

Ook ah.

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